Mac Repair Blog
mac repair blog- repairing common issues, water damage, fluid damage, no power, failed hard drives, broken screen
Iphone 11 Charging Port Repair
Mac Battery Replacement – Fast Service In Town
One of the more popular MacBook Repairs that we do is Mac Battery Replacement.
Batteries go bad on all devices, macs are not different. We recently had a customer, who bought a brand new mac. She wanted us to transfer the data to it from her old MacBook. After taking the new MacBook out of the box, we realized the battery was not charging on it.
The customer had to take the MacBook back to Apple. Waited for 03 weeks for them to receive the mac battery. Then wait for 2 more days for the mac battery to be replaced by Apple technicians! Talk about the speed of the largest computer company servicing their MacBooks!!!!

A Better Way To Replace A Mac Battery
Luckily there is another way! If your MacBook Pro doesn’t stay on very long when not plugged in. You might need a mac battery replacement done. If that is the case, you don’t really have to go to the Apple genius bar, unless you want to wait 3 weeks for your mac battery to be replaced.
Instead, find a computer service like ours and get it replaced within 30 minutes. Or you might have to wait a maximum of 2-3 days until we get a mac battery replacement shipped in and then you can bring it in, so we can replace it within 30 minutes.
We Replace Batteries On Most Mac Models
At Fastest Mac Repair And Pc Repair Newbury Park, we offer fast mac battery replacement service for most MacBook models: A1706, a1708, a1707, a1278, a1286, a1502, a1466, a1534, a1932, a2179, a2251, and others.
We have most batteries in stock, but sometimes we do run out and have to order based on the model of the MacBook.
Computer Battery Repairs On Other Laptop Brands
Besides mac battery replacement, we also replace batteries on any computer laptops on the market. We do not store those batteries in stock and most of the time they have to be ordered. But we can get them fairly quickly (3-4 days). And batter repair service usually takes about 30-40 minutes.
Our Mac repair shop is located in the Thousand Oaks area and we provide computer repair in Moorpark, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Malibu, and other surrounding areas.
Call us for any mac repair questions or quotes at 805-585-3335
Macbook Liquid Damage Repair
Macbook liquid damage repair is very common job we do at Fastest Mac Repair And Pc Repair. People spill stuff on their Macbooks more often than you think. Usually its water inside the backpack, or coffee at Starbucks, because the lid wasn’t closed properly. Or any other kind of scenario one could imagine. I have seen most of them.
When Macbook with water damage comes in, in most situations it is usually too late to do anything about it, other than repair the logic board. Because of what most people do when they encounter such a problem.
Most people will leave the macbook sitting on a desk for couple hours and then try to turn it on. Or they would blow the macbook with the hair dryer and then try to turn it on. Or the very best one yet, they will stick it into a bag of rice for couple hours and then try to turn it on.
Why Putting Your Macbook Into Rice After Liquid Damage Doesn’t Work
It always makes me chuckle and roll my eyes when people come and they proudly say that they have put their water damage macbook into rice. It is literally the silliest thing you can do when water is spilled on your macbook.
It shows naivete and gullibility thinking that the internet has answers to all your questions. It doesn’t. In fact in over 15 years I’ve been fixing laptops, I have probably gone onto the “Internets” only a couple of times to see how to open some specific device, because some are really difficult to open without ripping off a cable.
But in general people on the internet just make videos for clicks. Not necessarily because they actually know how to solve certain issues. And putting your computer in rice is one of them.
The reason putting your Macbook in rice doesn’t work, when you spill liquid all over it, is that you can’t keep it in rice long enough for it to absorb the moisture from inside the laptop. Rice may be moisture absorbent on a microscopic level, however that is not enough to extract the fluids from inside the Macbook.
If there is a puddle of water inside, it would take you at least 1 week of keeping the Macbook in rice to actually evaporate that water. And most of it would evaporate because of the air, not because of the rice.
What To Do When You Spill Water On Your Macbook
Instead try to find a screw driver and take the bottom lid of the Macbook and the fluids will evaporate out of it in less than 1 hour. Instead of keeping it in rice with a lid on.
And if you can not find a screwdriver, hurry to the nearest mac repair shop in Thousand Oaks and ask them them to open it for you and disconnect the battery as soon as possible.
The reason you want to disconnect the battery ASAP when you have liquid damage is because of basic physics. Water or liquids are conduits. It creates pathways in places where there not supposed to be any pathways for electricity to travel.
Battery or plugging Macbook into an electric outlet is what causes them to burn. Before you plug it in, or press power button it first has to be dried out COMPLETELY. Keeping it in a bag of rice won’t do it!
It has to be opened, the logic board has to be extracted, inspected and dried out on both sides. Only then you can plug it in or connect it to the battery and try to turn it on.
Liquid Damage Macbook Repair
Unfortunately, most Macbooks that we receive have been already burned. Because no one knows what to do when they spill water on it. And they also have no patients to wait for the Macbook to actually dry out (Which would take about 4-5 days probably if you don’t take the lid off). People plug them back into power to early and they end up burning components on the board. From there 95% of the Macbooks are usually still fixable. But now it gets more difficult to do so.
So if you spill water on your macbook don’t wait, turn it off right away (hold the power button down). Then open it and disconnect the battery. If you do those things, it will be ok. If not, then no one knows what happens.
Mac Pro Repair Caught On Fire
When this Mac Pro 2008 with 4 hard drive bays came in, the customer told us they saw some smoke coming out from the front. So we thought maybe there was a shortage in the power supply unit. Or maybe some dust caught on fire inside, as it happens sometimes.
But after we pulled the DVD drives, it became clear it was a little more than just the dust catching a spark. It was more like one DVD drive half melted with all the cables around it. As well as black ash coming out of the power supply.
I’m still quite not sure where it started. My first thought was it began inside the power supply and then burned all the wires on DVD drives and spread from there. But now I’m not sure. It could have been the other way around.

Either way, since this was an older Mac Pro unit from 2008. The customer decided it was time to upgrade. They were going to go look for a newer mac pro on where you can customize your mac with how much memory you want, what kind of CPU, etc…
Instead, we were able to find them a 2012 unit locally from the computer repair shop of a friend of mine. We went and picked it up the next day. Put customers’ hard drives into it. The newer mac pro booted up and after an operating system upgrade, runs like a charm without any issues.
Why not buy a new mac pro, you may ask, or get an iMac or something? Many people love these Mac Pros because otherwise, they are very solid computers. Plus the biggest thing people love is the hard drive bays. This Mac Pro can hold 4 hard drives at the same time. They are easy to take out and take with you or replace them fast in case a hard drive fails or fills up and you need to put a new one in. Having four hard drive bays, means you don’t have to have any external hard drives laying around with wires hanging all over the place.
Another benefit of having these Mac Pros is that they are capable of housing 2 CPU units. Which adds to the processing power of the computer and makes it fast. As well as they have 16 slots of RAM. Whereas 2010-2012 units can be loaded up to 64GB of RAM into them.
The downside to these Mac Pros is- they are getting old and are not much upgradeable anymore. Sure, they still are powerful and more than enough for most people. But even on a 2012 unit, which was the last year, Apple made it, before they went to the “trashcan” mac pro design. It is only upgradable to Mojave OS. And that also requires a Graphics Card With a metal plate on it.
Yet the good news for the Mac Pro fans is that in 2019 Apple started making them again. I am not sure why. Perhaps because trashcan Mac Pros weren’t so popular, even though they are REALLY good computers. Either way, Mac Pros cheese graters are back. But without the hard drive bays. They only support 2 SSD drives and perhaps a few additional drives if you get special housing for the front of the unit (Caddy).
New Mac Pros have been built to be really powerful. They support up to 128GB of RAM and have very powerful CPUs. So if you’re a video editor, who needs massive power that is probably something you might wanna look into.
As for our customer, who had a Mac Pro that caught on fire. They love 4 hard drive bays, wanted to stay with a Cheese Grater, and didn’t want to upgrade to a new Mac. This is what they have now. 32GB of RAM (can be upgraded to 64GB). 2 Xeon 6 core CPUs with SSD and 3 Hard drives in bays.
The best part is they bought it literally the next day and for less money. Instead of waiting for macsales to assemble it, ship it, and pay 2 times the money for it!

If you live in the Thousand Oaks area and have Mac Repair issues. Call us at 805-585-5535 and we help you solve all issues very quickly and give you all options possible!
or stop by at 3339 Kimber dr. STE D, Newbury Park, CA 91320
A1990 Macbook Water Damage Repair – Case Study
When it comes to Macbook Water Damage Repair, the outcome of the repair can not always be predicted. Depending on how much water, coffee, tea or fluid was spilled on a macbook and where the fluid went will determine the outcome of the macbook repair.
Another important part is- it also depends what you did with the macbook AFTER the water was spilled on it. Because most people think they can just take a fan, or put it in rice and after one hour the issue will fix itself. Then they try to turn it on and they burn something on the logic board. People get this kind of bad advice on the internet and then they have to pay extra to repair the macbook.
The best thing to do when you spill water on a macbook, is to shut it down immediately. Or better yet, disconnect the battery from the logic board. So it really doesn’t get any electricity flowing through the system.
Then you must open your macbook up and clean any possible wet spots on the logic board (from both sides), and anywhere else you see any wet spots.
Then you must inspect the logic board and all connectors for any existing corrosion. If corrosion is present, its best you remove it asap, so the corroded chips don’t fry next time you power the computer on. And then it is always a good idea to leave the logic board to dry for a little bit, depending where the water went and what components were hit by it.
if you do these things right away, you have the best chance of saving the macbook. And most likely it will continue to operate without any issues forward.
Obviously just by reading that, we both know you will most likely unable to do any of that on your own, without damaging something else in the process. This is why next time you spill the some coffee on your macbook, you need to shut it down and bring it to a macbook repair shop right away, so we can do it for you.
But if you are like most people, you will do nothing. Or you will go online and read some bad recommendations or stick your macbook into a bag of rice and hope for the best. And then you will plug it in and fry something.
Then you will have no choice but go to apple store and buy a new computer(cause they sure won’t help you fix it) Or you will have to find a mac repair shop near me and bring it in hopes of getting it fixed.
The problem with bringing it to a mac repair shop is that most shops don’t even know how to fix water damage logic boards. They usually make things worse, because they practice repairing water damage on your macbook instead of ACTUALLY repairing it.
If you bring it to Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair – the most qualified mac repair shop in Thousand Oaks, it will definitely be fixed one way or another. In some cases it takes longer, because we have to order chips to replace. In some cases it is quick, in some cases the logic boards are not repairable, because some major component on it (like CPU or GPU) is damaged and the board can not be fixed.
With this A1990 macbook water damage repair the repair was difficult. Someone else already tried to fix it before us. After we looked at it, we fixed the first issue where the water caused damaged. But macbook would still be shutting off after some time of being turned on.
Eventually we realized that the GPU was the issue on it and that can not be replaced easily where its cost effective. Therefore the customer had to make a choice to either buy a new macbook or replace the logic board.
They decided to replace the logic board. In the end water damage macbook pro was fixed and is working with no problems.
We repair all kinds of macbook water damage problems. a1708, 1707, a2251, a1990, a1989, a2338 and other models.
call us at 805-585-5535 or stop by our shop during business hours. we are the fastest and most qualified mac repair shop in Thousand Oaks area.
2017 Macbook Pro Screen Replacement Flexgate
If you one of the lucky people who owns a 2017 Macbook pro you might have run into a screen issue they tend to develop. Where the screen works when you open in a little bit on an angle, but if you open it all the way it goes black and won’t display anything.
This issue is called “Flexgate”. Yes it has a name, because this screen failure happened to so many people, Apple were hit with now two class action lawsuits. Both of which were denied by the judge. Last class action lawsuit on flexgate was denied in May of 2022.
The reason your 2017 macbook pro screen has failed is because of the flex cable that connects the screen to the logic board. Hence “flexgate”. In 2018 on the next model of Macbook pro, Apple made that flex cable a little longer, thus in a way admitting their own mistake regarding the issue. However not really willing to do much about it.

Now of course they say its a 5 year old computer and you can’t expect it to work flawlessly for 5 years, things break. And maybe that is understandable. But in reality, they weaseled their way out of fixing them few years back too, when they were failing fresh. People had literally yell and scream at the Apple Store for them to get it replaced as part of warranty.
The affected models for this macbook pro screen failure in large were macbook pro 2017 a1708, macbook pro 2017 a1706 model, macbook pro 2017 a1707- 15 inch model. And it also happens to newer models as well. Because the real issue is not the length of the cable, but the flex cable itself. It is thin as paper and it gets twisted all the time when you open or close the lid of the laptop.
The only way to fix this A1708 macbook pro screen issue with the flex cable is to replace the screen. We offer a1708 screen replacement and A1706 screen replacement usually as same day service. We usually have screens in stock or can get them fairly quickly.
Call us at 805-585-5535 or
Visit us at 3339 Kimber dr. STE D in Newbury Park, CA 91320 to get your macbook screen replaced and for any other macbook repair service!
1502 Screen Replacement
1502 Screen Replacement is a very common repair in our business. To begin with its probably because these Macbooks were the first concrete retina screen models after a brief introduction of A1425 model. So a lot of people have them and a lot of people still use them. Because they were pretty good computers.

a1502 still has an old style keyboard with higher keys(unlike butterfly keyboard). They have a nice high resolution retina display. they come with 16GB RAM logic board and their SSDs are up-gradable to now at least 2TB of storage.
And for most part a1502 macbooks never really had any major issues other than failing batteries and occasional logic board failure on 2015 models.
For most part all the damages were human caused. That includes spilling coffee or water on the macbook damaging logic board, keyboard or a trackpad. Or dropping the macbook and cracking the screen on it.

Not surprisingly today, I still recommend people to buy a1502 macbook, if they want a little 13 inch laptop for travels or just to sit on a couch typing something. a1502 are durable, comfortable to use and have keyboard with keys that work and don’t get stuck randomly like they do on later macbook models.
Are 1502 replacement screens still available?
If you call most macbook repair places you will get quoted around $600 for a new screen replacement for a 1502 macbook. That is correct. New screens do cost that much for this macbook. Because their production has stopped. Not many people want to buy them anymore, so naturally price goes up for the product that is higher demand.
However at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park, we buy and deal with used and refurbished macbooks. Therefore we are always able to get replacement screens for a1502 at lower cost, usually in pretty good condition. There is no need to spend $600 to replace a screen on 1502. Call us and we will get it done for you for half the price in most cases!
call us at 805-585-5535 or stop by at 3339 Kimber Dr. STE D, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Imac Repair Near Me Thousand Oaks
Imac Repair near me happens to be one of the most common searches on the internet. Despite the illusion that iMacs and other Apple products supposedly never break.
The fact of the matter is that iMacs, Macbooks, Iphones break more than any other devices. Most because of human error, but iMacs usually become faulty because of the way Apple designed them.
Imac SSD Replacement
The most common failure with iMac computers happen when the spinning hard drives that Apple installed into iMac computers till 2019 fail after 2-5 years of operation, almost like clockwork. Luckily today, spinning hard drives are old technology, since we have Solid State Drives(SSD) to replace them with.
SSDs are great for couple of reasons. They are 10-15 times faster than regular hard drives. They are lighter, they don’t have any moving parts and they seem to last longer. Although some of them do also fail now and then, but not very often.
Therefore, if you own an iMac older than 2020. Even if it still works, it is recommended to upgrade your hard drive to SSD as soon as possible.

Slow iMac Repair
In fact, one of the signs of failing iMac is they become slower. This is the first sign the hard drive is slowing down and is starting to fail slowly. Most people don’t think its a big deal and they wait till the last minute until it becomes so slow the iMac renders unusable and then they start looking for an iMac repair near me in order to fix the issue.
Nothing wrong with that, except that if the spinning hard drive inside the iMac starts failing it does it very gradually, but the longer it takes the worse it gets and many times people bring their iMacs for repair when it is slightly too late. Usually people bring them when iMac stops booting up completely or hangs on the loading screen with the bar getting stuck and not moving at all.
Too late means, the hard drive is already at the stage, where it is not performing at all, not booting or prevents the iMac from starting all together.
And that’s not really a big deal if it happens when you have a time machine backup. Cause then we just replace the bad hard drive with SSD and restore the backup and all is back to normal. However most people do not backup. No matter how many times I tell them to! 🙂
In those cases things get tricky and people’s files might be compromised, because they become harder (and more expensive) to retrieve from a faulty hard drive.
Don’t Wait To Get Your IMac Repaired If It Runs Slow
The best advice I can give( after repairing computer day in and day out for 10 years) is don’t wait if your iMac starts running slow. Usually you get a spinning ball.
It’s definitely your hard drive failing (otherwise iMacs are really good products). Bring it in for SSD upgrade and you will prevent bigger problems down the road! Trust me on that one!
Call us at 805-585-5535
We are open 10-5:30 Mon-Fri. Our address is
Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park
3339 Kimber Dr. STE D, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Computer Repair In Thousand Oaks
One of the common google searches in our area is Computer Repair In Thousand Oaks near me. It produces many results. But how do you know which one to choose.
Few common factors you want to consider when choosing a competent computer repair in Thousand Oaks are these:
1. How fast will your device be fixed?
Most computer shops in Thousand Oaks are so inexperienced they can’t tell you how long it will take to fix something. They will tell they have to look at it first. Or they don’t know how long it will take.
And while with some repairs, like “water damage repair” it may be difficult to predict how long it will take. In most cases even that shouldn’t take more that 3-4 days to repair. While for the most repairs it shouldn’t take more than a day. unless maybe some parts have to be ordered, which then may take 3-4 days to receive them also.
However most shops don’t know, nor can give you an answer because they simply are not good at fixing things, because they are either new or don’t have proper expertise to know how most laptops are built in order to give you a straight answer.
At Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park, you will get an answer as soon as you call and give us the details of your issue. You will get an answer how long it will take to fix within minutes. Or in some cases you will be told we need to see the device in order to give you a quote and time frame. no messing around here
We also carry most of the common parts in stock and only in certain cases do we have to order parts that need to be shipped. Most computers and macbooks are fixed in few hours or the next day.
2. How much does it cost to fix my mac or PC or an iPhone?
Again, what many shops will do, mainly due to lack of experience or some other shady tactics. They will tell you they need to see the device in order to give you a quote, because they want you to come into their place of business. And once you are there they will make it look like they are looking it up and then give you a quote with the hopes that you will not go anywhere else since you already have gone through the troubles of getting here. You will be reluctant to go look for other competitive options.
In reality, only less than 3% of devices need actually to be looked at, before you can give a person a quote on how much it will cost to fix them. That includes pc laptops that have physical damage, especially when the hinge breaks and it is hard to tell over the phone what is actually broken.
But in 97% of cases when you call Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury park, we will give you a quote over the phone in less than 2 minutes. With experience we JUST KNOW, most of devices and the cost of fixing them. There is no hesitation and no beating around the bush of any kind!
And plus we carry most of the parts on site also.
most other shops will take their time or make up all kinds of excuses on why they need to see your device in order to give you a quote. But that is just a lack of experience. In 97% of cases you don’t need to see anything in order to give a price for a computer repair!
3. Should I go to Geek Squad To Repair My Device Or A Local Shop
Often people get sold on the idea of going to a big name/brand store because they “trust” them better because that is what the advertising on television told them.
In many other industries that is a great choice. Because big brands have figured out distribution, products, customer service, warranties and other things very well. However this is not the case for computer repair, especially.
In fact big name brand stores like Geek Squad, struggle quite a bit with finding great repair technicians. Because there aren’t many of them available. Because those who are really great for most part don’t want to go work for a store with set hours for a meager hourly rate. When they know they can open their own little business get a customer and make the same money in couple hours. Instead of standing all day behind the counter all day!
That is why the repairs geek squad can do are very limited. They can only fix some basic software issues on site. Even then, they take way too long, because people they employ are often not experienced who are forced to follows cookie cutter instructions and aren’t allowed to think on their feet, which is what required in most cases when fixing phones and computers.
This is why geek squad doesn’t fix mac computers. They send them out to Apple. And most PC repairs are being sent out to their repair center in Kansas. Because the repair techs they hire also don’t know how to fix things on site for the lack of experience and other bureaucracy issues.
To sum up, if you want your device to be fixed fast and properly. Geek Squad is definitely a bad choice. People working there are usually inexperienced and are not very motivated to do things fast or whatever serves customer best. They are trained to sell you a two year service more than anything!
4. 20 year old Computer Repair in Thousand Oaks business means nothing
Many computer repair shops pride themselves on being in business 20 years in order to impress you that supposedly they know something about computer repair business.
In fact, we just had one guy call us offering to buy his customer list after being in business for 20 years. he was closing the doors cause he couldn’t afford to pay rent. Yet he thinks his customer list was worth a sizeable sum of money!
The problem with guys like these is that they don’t really keep up with the technology after being 20 years in computer repair business. They still operate as if they are living in the 1990s, while technology is passing right by them at the speed of light.
They usually are slow to adapt, will take your computer or an imac (assuming they even know how to work on imacs) and sit on it for days telling you they are looking for a problem, when in reality they are simply not able to keep up with the progress in tech and are falling far behind on everything.
While the fundamentals inside the computers are still the same. There are many details that are always being implemented into new devices in order to make them slimmer, slicker, lighter, smaller and faster.
And if you are sitting on one device for 2 days, I can’t imagine you are learning much keeping up with the new trends. Not surprisingly, later we found out just in 4 years of being in business at this location. We are doing 4 times amount of business than the guy who was in business over 20 years.
This is probably one of those cases where the tortoise doesn’t win the race. If you don’t keep up, you get left behind quickly here. Apple innovates rapidly. PC market is copying apple and is not that far behind. Things change quickly. You have to stay on top of things otherwise you get left behind and can’t afford to pay rent on your location.
I’m proud to say Fastest Mac Repair And Pc Repair Newbury Park has crossed a 5 year mark at this location this August and we are going strong, because we keep up with innovations, do things fast (the fastest) and provide best (NO BS) customer service in the area!
So next time you are searching for Computer Repair in Thousand Oaks, give us as a call at 805-585-5535
or visit us at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park at 3339 Kimber Dr. STE D, Newbury Park, CA 91320
and get your device fixed hassle free in quickest amount of time!
Why My Imac Is Slow
why my imac is slow is the question that many people ask themselves on daily basis. They buy a two thousand dollar computer, but after a while it start to run slower than it should. They even try going back to apple. But of course apple can’t really help them in most cases. Because of how Apple used to design these iMacs.
First of all, the reason most iMacs are slow, is not lack of memory (RAM), which is what most people want to do in order to fix the slow imac issue. Somebody tells them to just upgrade the RAM and they set out on a mission to get the RAM from amazon. Then call us to install it for them.

However… I have to say that there is nothing wrong with wanting to upgrade the RAM on your computer, if you really need to do so. You also need to know that upgrading the RAM will not solve your slow iMac problem. Why? Because it is not the lack of memory that causes it.
What causes your imac to run slow after some time, is a failing hard drive. Or sometimes, the hard drive doesn’t even have to be failing. The imac will still run slow. It is because hard drives are old technology. They were great for the past 20 years, when this was our only option after the floppy disks, cds, dvds, etc.
And now, luckily, we have Solid State Disks (SSD), that don’t have moving parts, that store data on chips rather than spinning plates. They don’t need any other parts reading the information. They just plug in, and read/write data to the memory blocks 10-15 times faster than a hard drive can. It is simply a matter of newer technology.
So if you want to fix your iMac and make it run faster. All you have to do is bring your computer to Fastest mac repair and pc repair in newbury park. And we will transfer your data and swap your hard drive with SSD. Then your iMac will run as fast as you expect it to run. Or even faster!