mac repair agoura hills
Mac Operating System Upgrade for iMac or Macbook
What are my Mac Operating system upgrade requirements or which Operating system should i upgrade my mac to, are the questions we get asked a lot. Should i upgrade to Big Sur or Catalina, or how to upgrade to older operating systems like high sierra, el capitan, etc
The answer is a little tricky. But if you understand the way Apple works it becomes a little more clear on how to navigate this situation easier.
When it comes to computer hardware, Apple actually makes (or used to make) pretty superior products. They usually last, or rather USED TO LAST, for a very long time(compared to newer ones). Which was a great thing for consumers, yet maybe not such a great thing for Apple itself. Because if a computer they sell you lasts 10 or 20 years, it means, a person will not need to buy another computer for a long time. That means less sales for apple and that is not a very great thing to experience for the “greatest company” in the world. Especially not a great thing for shareholders of the company!
So what does Apple do to overcome that? What they do is, they give each computer a ten year window, in which it can be serviced (by Apple or private computer repair shops), upgraded and used with full functionality. Meeting all security and software requirements to do pretty much anything a new computer is intended to do.

Next question is: what happens after 10 year window expires, you might ask?!
For most part nothing terrible will happen. You will be able to use your iMac of Macbook pretty much forever… the only real issue you will start having is when you will try to access internet.
Because the way Apple makes their old devices obsolete is they limit your ability to upgrade them to newest software, or in case of Macbooks and iMacs- OS or Operating System. And the reason you will have problems accessing internet, is because safari browser can only be updated by updating the OS. And if you are not able to update your OS because of your computers age, you will not be able update Safari browser and you will be limited in which website you can or can not access!
This is it in a nutshell. Other than that if you just use your computer to run some programs or you want to do some word processing. You can use old Mac devices until they actually stop working or maybe become too slow to use or something physically goes wrong with them.
Also here is a list of apple devices with the maximum OS they support if you have an older apple computer and dont know which OS can support click this link to see the list: Supported max Os on mac computers
And if you need help upgrading your macbook or iMac to newer OS or reinstalling Operating System completely- feel free to call us at 805-585-5535
or stop by at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury park at 3339 Kimber dr. Ste D, Newbury Park, Ca 91320 (we’re next door to Country Harvest restaurant).
Or visit us at our Agoura Hills location at 30315 Canwood St. Ste 11, Agoura Hills, Ca 91301
where we fix iphones, iPads, and also offer Macbook and iMac computer repair in Agoura Hills, Ca
The Dangers Of Adobe Flash Update on Apple Computer
If you ever see this image (or similar) flashing on your PC computer or Apple computer screen. My best recommendation is: DO NOT CLICK ON IT!
Here is why:
It is a fake advertising. You will click on it, download the installer. Then install Adobe Flash update(which has been discontinued by adobe). But also, alongside the actual update you will install a lot of little programs that you shouldn’t install on your computer.
Those little programs usually come in the form of Adware. They are little software apps that infect your MacBook or iMac browsers and computer itself. Which afterwards causes lots of issues like, pop up windows coming up, search engines changing, your browser redirecting you to different pages, increase in ads you see everywhere, MacBook or iMac running slower than it should, etc etc.
This is a very common problem on Apple computers. It is equivalent to viruses you can get on a mac, despite the myth that Apple computers don’t get any “viruses”. While the “myth” is partially true. Apple OS is almost invisible to actual “viruses”, yet today’s adware can be so nasty that sometimes it causes more damage and havoc on the computer than actual viruses ever would.
So if you have happened to install this fake adobe flash or similar update on your computer. And you notice some unusual things popping up or your browser starts taking you to some strange search engines. You can probably be sure you have installed some adware(or even malware) with that update, and you need to give your mac a little cleaning!
We are open for business and available to do any mac repair in thousands oaks or Agoura Hills areas 6 days a week. Just call us at 805-585-5535 or visit us at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury park at: 3339 Kimber Dr. STE D, Newbury Park, CA 91320 and we will help you clean your mac from viruses and with any other MacBook or iMac issues.
Macbook pro 2011 Video Chip Repair
Last we did two more macbook pro 2011 video chip repairs once again.
These macbook, like clockwork, have developed a graphics chip problem that has been knows for years. it can make computer boot up slowly, it can make macbook crash, it can make macbook show colored lines on the screen or it can prevent macbook pro 2011 from powering on.
Graphics or video chip on a 2011 macbook pro 15 inch (model number a1286) is located on a logic board. Hence the repair is actually macbook logic boar repair and requires advanced soldering.
Since we have done many of these, we can do it fairly quickly, depending on how many jobs we have in front. But rest assured, it is a solid repair and your macbook will run forever after. Meaning, you won’t have any more video chip problems.
That certainly doesn’t mean you won’t have any other problems with it. because they do get failing hard drive issues as well. But that is easily solved with SSD upgrade, which we also offer on site in our stores.
SSD upgrade usually takes few hours or it will be ready next day, depending on when you drop it off.
this macbook pro in photo, was fixed in just 2 days and now the graphics on it is running flawlessly!
we provide 6 months warranty with macbook pro 2011 video chip repair, but we never had anyone come back. so warranty is really just a formality!
call us at 818-960-7343 mac repair agoura hills
or at 805-585-5535 if you are located in thousand oaks or newbury park, ca areas visit us at Fastest mac repair and pc repair newbury park at:
3339 Kimber dr. Ste D, Newbury Park, CA 91320 (Wendy and Kimber Plaza, next to Country Harvest restaurant).
virus cleaning on a mac (but i thought macs don’t get viruses)
virus cleaning on a mac
BUT BUT I thought macs don’t get viruses! is one of those phrases that if I could get a nickel every time I heard that, I would have a lot of nickels! or not!
Th reality is that a lot of people are surprised to hear that macs get some kind of virus because that is one of those myths (and sales points) people know about macs in general. people are sold on it for a long time ago and rightfully so. Because the statement is kind of true in a way.
When someone says macs do not get viruses they mean mac OS or macs operating system can not be infected with a virus. That is almost true. Because mac os is built(unlike windows) in a different way. Where pretty much all programs run independently of the operating system. They are like little separate entities running their little scripts and they don’t rely on other programs or operating systems to do it. They use the operating systems as a foundation only and that’s why it is difficult to put a virus on a mac which would affect the way the computer works as a whole. So usually there is no need for virus cleaning on a mac at all.
Windows is actually the opposite. Windows runs as if the whole world is a bubble and everything is connected inside with each other. all programs are connected with windows as if they had an umbilical cord connected to the mother for survival. and therefore by injecting a code into a system like that it is easy to affect the whole operating system and make things crash or whatever else viruses do that will affect everything.
however, in today’s day, and age things are different. and the main difference is that word virus used to describe malicious programs in the past. has now evolved into many different other words. like malware, adware, ransomware, cryptoware, etc etc. they all do different things and that’s why they have different funny names.
Now let’s get to the actual topic of this post! About time right!? the picture I have posted above is from a virus scan on an iMac that a customer brought in. it was infected pretty heavily. if you opened a browser, first of all, you would see some strange-looking home page, that sort of looks like google but its not. then you see all kinds of ads popping up, then you type a web address into a window but you are taken to a completely different website! What’s going on?! well, you need a virus cleaning on a mac. That’s what’s going on!
most of the time these days people get what’s called adware on their computers. they are kinda like viruses but they are not! I call them legal viruses. they are legal because they don’t have any characteristics of a virus, they even have a special term to be called- PUP or potentially unwanted programs. they don’t do any harm to your computer but they sure are annoying. on mac you see them in the forms of mymaccleaner, mackeeper, shopping buddy, etc. what they do is they pretend to be an antivirus or a shopping companion or something else, they are hard to turn off, they offer you to buy something and so on. but they don’t steal your information nor do they harm your computer, they just annoy and trash your computer hoping you will buy something or they will take you to a site they advertise so you can buy something there!
anyhow that is what you get on a mac (as well as on pc) nowadays! they are common, they hijack your browsers they drive you crazy, and that’s when you know you need a virus cleaning on a mac!
if you’re looking for reliable, quickest mac repair or pc repair service in the Newbury park or Thousand oaks area call us at 805-585-5535 or stop by at 3339 Kimber dr. Suite D, Newbury Park, Ca 91320 check out our reviews on yelp
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