ssd upgrade
Macbook pro 2011 Video Chip Repair
Last we did two more macbook pro 2011 video chip repairs once again.
These macbook, like clockwork, have developed a graphics chip problem that has been knows for years. it can make computer boot up slowly, it can make macbook crash, it can make macbook show colored lines on the screen or it can prevent macbook pro 2011 from powering on.
Graphics or video chip on a 2011 macbook pro 15 inch (model number a1286) is located on a logic board. Hence the repair is actually macbook logic boar repair and requires advanced soldering.
Since we have done many of these, we can do it fairly quickly, depending on how many jobs we have in front. But rest assured, it is a solid repair and your macbook will run forever after. Meaning, you won’t have any more video chip problems.
That certainly doesn’t mean you won’t have any other problems with it. because they do get failing hard drive issues as well. But that is easily solved with SSD upgrade, which we also offer on site in our stores.
SSD upgrade usually takes few hours or it will be ready next day, depending on when you drop it off.
this macbook pro in photo, was fixed in just 2 days and now the graphics on it is running flawlessly!
we provide 6 months warranty with macbook pro 2011 video chip repair, but we never had anyone come back. so warranty is really just a formality!
call us at 818-960-7343 mac repair agoura hills
or at 805-585-5535 if you are located in thousand oaks or newbury park, ca areas visit us at Fastest mac repair and pc repair newbury park at:
3339 Kimber dr. Ste D, Newbury Park, CA 91320 (Wendy and Kimber Plaza, next to Country Harvest restaurant).
Why iMac SSD Upgrade is necessary today!
One of the common failures on any computer. Whether it is a macbook, imac or any pc laptop or desktop computer. They all share one common component that used to fail all the time! and that is a hard drive!
it was literally the weakest spot in all computer devices, mainly due to complexity and different very precise and fragile moving components that require to build and make them work.

The ironic part is that hard drives are pretty much most important components in any machine, since they actually store all our information on them. Especially these days, when humanity is moving from analog world, where we used to store our photos in an album in physical printed form, or our documents in folder in file cabinets.
These days everything is stored on hard drives and to tell you the truth, since hard drives have increased in capacity drastically. The overall quality of hard drives has also decreased quite visibly. When older hard drives used to last up to 10 years in many cases. and in comparison newer hard drives like western digital or seagate brand, last on average 3-4 years from my experience.
The good news however, is that in today’s times we have different kind of drives on the market. All newer computers already come with those. with the exception of 21.5 inch imacs that still come with regular hard drives (you have to special request it from apple if you want one with ssd.
As well as 27 inch iMacs, which use imacs use fusion drives a combination of a small ssd chip and a regular 3.5 inch hard drive.
The downside of regular, old style spinning hard drives, is that they are not reliable as much anymore. the failure rate has gone up, probably due to increased capacity of drives today but also they are much slower when compared to current new type of Solid State Drives (SSD).
One some packaging of SSD’s manufacturers claim SSDs are 15x faster than regular 5400RPM hard drives. Which are standard for most iMacs and older macbooks and most pc laptops and pc desktops.
So when i say upgrading to a SSD drive is almost a necessity in today’s times. I really mean it. Your iMac will run literally 10 times faster and you simply will be amazed that you computer runs like new again!
come do imac ssd upgrade with us. our turn around is 2-3 hours usually!
call us at 805-585-5535 or
visit at 3330 Kimber dr. Ste D, Newbury Park, CA 91320